National Thematic Networks (KST) have been established for each of 5 Themes carried out within the operational programme bearing the name of the EQUAL Community Initiative Programme for Poland 2004-2006.

Themes implemented in Poland:

Theme A: Facilitating access and return to the labour market for those who have difficulty in being integrated or reintegrated into a labour market which must be open to everyone

Theme D: Strengthening the national social economy (the third sector), in particular the services of interest to the community, with a focus on improving the quality of jobs

Theme F: Supporting the adaptability of firms and employees to structural economic changes and the use of information technology and other new technologies

Theme G: Reconciling family and professional life, as well as the reintegration of men and women who have left the labour market, by developing more flexible and effective forms of work organisation and support services

Theme I: Supporting the social and vocational integration of asylum - seekers

National Thematic Networks are composed of the representatives of Development Partnerships implementing the projects under the EQUAL Community Initiative, but also of independent experts, as well as institutions and organisations with an interest in any of the thematic areas falling under the subject matter of Networks. The process of disseminating the information and mainstreaming the results will also require the participation of other entities (institutions, organisations, policy-makers) which are not directly responsible for the EQUAL programme implementation, but which may provide professional support both in terms of on-going projects and for Network actions. Such a broad range should assure that the programme will reach as many participants involved in the creation of new models and solutions as possible, while ensuring the possibility of mainstreaming the EQUAL results at different stages of its implementation.

The function of the KST Secretariat for all the National Thematic Networks is performed by the National Support Framework for the EQUAL Community Initiative Programme. The KST Secretariat organises and manages the works of Thematic Networks at the national level. The Secretariat Coordinator assumes the responsibility for the overall coordination of the works of the Secretariat and appoints the Secretaries for each Thematic Network.

The main tasks defined in the Mandate for KST action include, among others: analysis of the capacity of the EQUAL projects for possible support of national policies in the areas identified mainly in the National Action Plan for Employment and the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion; development and update of the strategy of mainstreaming the EQUAL results with respect to each of the Themes; providing professional support for projects or disseminating good practice on wide-European forums for discussions, in particular in the framework of European thematic groups.

In 2007, working parties emerged from the National Thematic Networks. These working parties operate on the basis of common target groups or common problem areas of the developed results.

Classification of KST working parties:

1. EQUAL for disabled persons
2. Social and professional integration support
3. Social economy
4. New ways to support entering and returning to the labour market of discriminated groups
5. Adaptability of employers and employees to structural changes by applying flexible employment schemes and ICT technologies
6. Lifelong learning to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises
7. Occupational activation programme for prisoners and former prisoners
8. Reconciliation of work and private life