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Competence balancing

Competence balancing is a chance for employees threatened with redundancies and unemployed persons who do not have the certificates of specialist schools or courses. The proposed model helps increase the mobility of employees, gives easier access to the labour market to the unemployed and provides tools for the assessment of the actual professional capabilities of employees. Thanks to the result employees obtain formal confirmations of their knowledge and professional skills (certificates or diplomas), gained in informal education. Obtaining the appropriate certificates is not conditional upon completing the whole training cycle.


Social enterprise deeply rooted in the local community: key legal, organisational and institutional solutions

The developed result offers a set of complementary tools helping establish social enterprises and activation of the local social potential. The tools help define the factors decisive for the successful implementation and development of social enterprises in a given local community and foster sustainable legal, financial and organisational bases for this type of activity.


Results Database Community of Practice Gender Mainstreaming The EQUAL Community Initiative was financed by the European Social Fund and directly by the budgets of the participant states.