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The “Platforma e-Dialog” IT system

The Internet system “Platforma e-Dialog” helps improve the efficiency of human resources management in SMEs, particularly with regard to recruitment, competence management and training. The tool can be used by managerial staff in companies, by employees, persons seeking work, job placement organisations and training institutions.


Assistance system for prisoners

The system supporting vocational reintegration of prisoners assumes the involvement of prison service staff, guardians, training organisations, NGOs and employment services in the appropriate actions helping prisoners effectively enter the labour market. The model is based on individual approach to the beneficiaries and includes a diagnosis of educational needs, a contract between the prisoner and the advisor, implementation of the appropriate educational programme and mentoring care. The result helps improve the effectiveness of the guardianship and prison services as well as employment institutions in the period when former prisoners re-enter the labour market.


Results Database Community of Practice Gender Mainstreaming The EQUAL Community Initiative was financed by the European Social Fund and directly by the budgets of the participant states.