The Community Initiative EQUAL in Poland includes 107 project initiatives qualified from among 751 of those submitted. Ninety-nine projects have been qualified for Action 2. The projects are pursued by Development Partnerships, which gather as many as 632 organisations in total. The average partnership includes 6-7 such entities. The Polish Development Partnerships (PRR) are administered by various institutions: organisations supporting discriminated groups (36% Partnerships), education and training organisations (20% Partnerships), universities and research centres (15% Partnerships), national administration units (national, regional and local - 10% Partnerships) and trade unions (5% Partnerships).
The projects differ considerably in terms of their budgets, scope and the number of organisations involved in their implementation. Decisions as to the necessity of applying any project management methods and the choices of such methods were made individually by Partnerships themselves. The National Support Structure of the Equal Community Initiative recommended that Partnerships use the Project Cycle Management method as a universal approach which can be sucessfully used in projects of various types.
The structure of Polish Development Partnerships includes: