
Result name Job rotation

Result description:

Job rotation is an innovative tool used to support the development of enterprises, improve qualifications and create new jobs. The implementation of the system stimulates development and growth of competitiveness of enterprises (improvement of qualifications of the personnel, access to new and reliable employees), exerts a positive influence on the situation of employees on the job market, and contributes to the increased activation of the unemployed.

Within the framework of realisation of this model, the posts of employees who are sent to professional trainings are temporarily filled in by unemployed persons, who were first trained to take over someone's duties. The project results in the method of job rotation, tested and described in the form of a practical handbook facilitating further implementation of this solution. The concept of rotation enables the promotion of continual education, support of investment in human resources and creation of new jobs. Employees have an opportunity to improve their professional skills without causing any stoppage in the enterprise, whereas the unemployed stand a chance of presenting themselves better to their potential employers and, possibly, of being employed on a permanent basis. This method resorts to standard instruments applied on the job market, such as trainings of employees and unemployed persons, professional traineeships and apprenticeships, substitutions. However, the using a combination of these tools allows to achieve the effect of synergy, i.e. to create an integrated strategy of employment, development and improvement of qualifications.

To make the implementation of the job rotation system easier, there was compiled a methodology handbook constituting a compendium of theoretical knowledge, available in print or in an electronic version (via the Internet). It is supplemented by the report presenting practical experience gained during the realisation of the project, and guidelines for institutions or organisations interested in further implementation of the same. Also, some promotional materials and information actions aimed at popularization of this method were prepared.

The use of the job rotation method exerts a positive influence on the development of human resources in enterprises. Employers do not need to incur additional costs related to the absence of employees attending trainings. This is an extremely flexible mechanism, which can be adjusted to any and all needs of enterprises - with particular allowance made for the activation of the unemployed, development of the company and of the employees.

There are many various models and variations of rotation projects. Rotation can be used in all branches of economy, and wherever there exists the employer-employee-unemployed relationship. Actions under the job rotation may be coordinated by training institutions and vocational schools, trade unions, branch associations and economic self-governments, labour offices, self-government organisations, self government administration units and, finally, enterprises themselves.

To implement a job rotation project it is necessary that a local partner network be created (establishing a contact between entrepreneurs, a training institution and employment services) and detailed objectives of the project be specified. Then, it is necessary to prepare a model of financing (using EU subsidies, acquiring resources from the state or the local government, involving the capital of enterprises). Within the framework of activities, the educational needs analysis should be conducted in companies, on the basis of which a plan of trainings for employees will be created. Moreover, special courses and traineeships should be created for unemployed who are to fill in for the employees on their work posts. After the end of the project, some of the unemployed will be employed on a permanent basis. Information concerning the remaining ones will be added to the database, to the so-called work bank. The costs of the implementation of the job rotation project encompass trainings for employees and unemployed, and - to a lesser degree - actions connected with the coordination of the entire process. Implementing institutions may apply for subsidies from public resources. The detailed plan of financing of the implementation and its successive stages depend on the specificity of the particular project. General guidelines concerning this issue may be found in the methodology handbook. Institutions willing to employ the job rotation system may, in the implementation of the project and in the course of its duration, use the support of consultants for job rotation. The entire process - starting from the preparatory stage till the very end - lasts between a few and several months.

The result was prepared under the EQUAL Community Initiative Programme

Project number F0642
Result preparation
